Started at 82°, humid and a 7 mph breeze to cool us off (not!). This is my first round since last Thursday due to a tournament over the weekend. I didn't hit the ball very well at all, but managed to get it around, despite the slow play of my team members. That's not to say that I handled it well, but I did blow off a little steam. Things improved a little on the inward nine, but not too much. I need to find a way to rein my emotions is once I've "vented," so that is the next item in the order of things. Anyway, despite all the "distractions," I didn't play too badly. My putting line was good, but the pace of the putt was off just a tad. Actually, I'm pretty happy with this round, given the circumstances. My next scheduled round is Friday, but that depends on what the Dermatologist does to me tomorrow. I really am in "tall cotton!"