Started at 52°, overcast skies and a 2 mph breeze. I started well, swinging smooth and rhythmically, but lost all that (unknowingly until later) as soon as I put the driver in my hands. I made an attempt to correct that problem on the inward nine, and seems to make some progress. That "ah-ha" moment lead to a productive inward nine, as you can see. My putting was very good, comparatively, today, and I was able to make a few long-ish putts. Between my swing cadence and my putting, it was a very productive day. My next golf day is Friday, weather permitting, but rain is in the forecast for this area. If the rain does make an appearance then I'll have to wait until Sunday. I'd prefer to have another "work-day" before then though, but we can't control Mother Nature, so it'll be whatever she wants it to be and I'll just have to adjust. :)