Course Details
Type: | Private |
Superintendent: | John Hoyle |
Guest Policy: | none |
Dress Code: | Collared Shirt & Slacks |
Pro Shop : | yes |
Driving Range: | Grass hitting surface |
Water Hazards: | Scarce |
Sand Bunkers: | Moderate |
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Recent Reviews
cmaxlove - 12/18/2013
Nice course, Small Challenging greens. Driving accuracy is a must to score.
Nice course, Small Challenging greens. Driving accuracy is a must to score.
SPACEMAN - 11/11/2013
very nice of oakhurst to honor veterans this past weekend and allow us to play their private course. 30.00 plus lunch. wish the weather would have been better though. very windy day and chilly but still had a great time. Thank you oakhurst. very nice course
very nice of oakhurst to honor veterans this past weekend and allow us to play their private course. 30.00 plus lunch. wish the weather would have been better though. very windy day and chilly but still had a great time. Thank you oakhurst. very nice course
CWGolf02 - 05/03/2012
Very small greens and super fast. Every approach and fairway shot into the greens ran to the back or through the greens.
Very small greens and super fast. Every approach and fairway shot into the greens ran to the back or through the greens.
J Wow - 08/19/2011
Greens are five star, rest of course condition was a 3 star.
Disappointed they didn't bother putting out Black tees because "most of the guys just play Blue"
Greens are five star, rest of course condition was a 3 star.
Disappointed they didn't bother putting out Black tees because "most of the guys just play Blue"
nabby2 - 05/02/2016
blake19 - 09/28/2013
gtuck002 - 10/01/2012
gperkins - 08/11/2012
ajbaird90 - 10/31/2011
YoshiAndo27 - 07/01/2011
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