Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course
1 Sandburg Way
Irvine, CA 92612-1716, United States

949 786 5522
Located in the heart of Irvine, Rancho San Joaquin is a players course. With it's rolling hills and gentle terrain, the course appeals to golfers of all levels. The course features three different lakes as it's back drop and it is also the home of some of South Orange County's finest and most challenging greens.
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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$40 - $49
   Weekend:$60 - $74
   9-hole fees evenings only
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Bermuda & Kukuya
Driving Range:yes
Short Game Practice:yes with sand bunker
Water Hazards:Scarce
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

Nearby Courses

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Include 9-hole scores Best score per golfer
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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  Duke0Hazards - 01/03/2014
Wow. I didn't know Tolstoy played here before and lived to tell the tale. It's kind of a dull layout, not really anything of interest.
  Dirt Sailor - 03/15/2013
Walking Sr.rate of $26.95 good value.
  julianclu - 05/31/2012
Ok course, never played it before. Pace of play was fine, course condition was also Ok not bad but also not great. Cost was the big plus especially for a course in the OC.
  ShutterBugSteve - 12/19/2011
I got to play Rancho San Joaquin today on a 2 for 1 special. At $36 for the round, it is a great value. The course played surprisingly fast today. Just shy of 4.5 hours with a relatively long break between 9's to grab a bite to eat. The greens were in pretty good shape, but the fairways could use some work, like usual.
  Legitimatebeef - 08/25/2011
All in all a decent course. Took me a few rounds to appreciate the good parts. Medium length course with rolling and hilly terrain and a good number of water hazards. Not that good for walkers.

The Good:
-fast undulating greens that are challenging to putt while receptive enough to reward well struck and aggressive approach shots.
-Pro shop and tee times are orderly and well managed. They announce every foursome on the tee which is a nice touch.
-Nice practice facility: big range and plenty of putting and chipping.

The Bad:
-Some of the sightlines off the tee, particularly the front nine are just awful. Almost impossible at times to distinguish between the hole you're on and the adjacent hole. Lots of local knowledge needed just to aim your tee shots at the correct fairway.
-Boring landscape, not many big trees, not much shade. The upscale-OC-industrial vibe that backdrops a lot of the course is a turn-off.
-Slow pace of play at times
  sergioj11 - 10/06/2016
  sergioj - 05/21/2016
  bersland - 10/26/2013
  paulloll - 11/10/2012
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