Stockley Park Golf Course
Bennetsfield Rd
Uxbridge, F9 UB11 1AA, United Kingdom

+44 2088.135.700
This course has returned to its original name of Stockley Park after being known as Stockley Pines for a number of years. It is located just of the A408 / Stockley Road, off Bennetsfield Road. Green fees vary by season. Tee-times can be made via telephone or e-mail. Society and corporate / group packages are also available.
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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:£30 - £39
   Weekend:£30 - £39
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Season Start:Year-round, weather permitting
Reserved Tee Times:Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Water Hazards:Scarce

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Stockley Park

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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  Labgorilla - 08/07/2022
The course has suffered from the hot dry summer. However, bunkers are full of stones and very little sand, the tees are often just sand. The course may have been originally designed by Robert Trent Jones Jnr. but there are some holes that seem to have been just put in to make sure that there are 18 holes. The club house is by far the greatest part of this club. The GPS enabled buggies are really good too. Nice touch to have club and ball cleaners on the cart. Overall, investment has clearly focused on that and the range. Feels like a financial decision. I guess that the course has little to no importance when a club house is built to host events. The yellow tee markers were missing today too. So we had to look for a yellow dot in the ground. Once bunkers and tees are taken care of , this course is interesting enough to warrant further visits. Until then, we wont return. Also the skycaddie course guide has not been updated so the holes don't match.
  Moorsey50 - 03/12/2020
under going some work on the course, but the basics are there. course in good nick, quick greens. But then there are the bunkers, or should I say holes in the ground! the members tell me there is a programme to dig them out and redo them all. that day cannot come quick enough!
  Race Rabbit - 07/25/2014
  English Dan - 08/27/2012
  jim.short@virgin.net - 03/17/2012
  tyrepaul - 01/24/2012
  AdamB2110 - 11/21/2011
  sunnyjrun - 12/25/2010
  Tuff B - 06/18/2010
  mikewhee - 05/27/2010
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