La Cantera Resort Golf Club
16641 Cantera Pkwy
San Antonio, TX 78256, United States

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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$125 - $149
   Weekend:$125 - $149
General Manager:Steve Shields, PGA (DoG)
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Season Start:Year-round
Pro Shop :yes
Driving Range:Grass hitting surface
Short Game Practice:yes with sand bunker

Nearby Courses

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San Antonio, TX (2 miles)
Private CourseDominion Country Club
San Antonio, TX (3 miles)
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Practice Facility CourseCaruso Golf Center
San Antonio, TX (7 miles)
Photo gallery

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Include 9-hole scores Best score per golfer
Fwy %
(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  dishboy - 04/03/2022
This is a really great course. Pace of play was fine, but a touch slow because of a couple groups in front of us. Marshalls did what they could to get it moving.
  kjmpcc3580 - 03/14/2016
Beautiful golf course and club house. Friendly staff. Very difficult layout but fun and scenic.
  RDShows2 - 12/07/2014
Great golf course with a lot of variety. You will use every club in your bag. Greens are very smooth. Carts have GPS with pin location preloaded.
  nicknick40 - 09/28/2014
Top notch facility! They scenery deserves 6 stars, played resort course in 3.75 hrs for $83. Awesome staff too. My wife & I will definitely back!
  jimmaygolf - 03/10/2014
Got agreat deal through GolfNow. Enjoyable. Pretty challenging. Great hospitality.
  cjchitwood - 06/18/2012
Unbelievable views, and a great track. Would play again if opportunity presents itself.
  Ramscallion - 03/23/2012
Control you drives or bring plenty of balls.
  2COR.5:17 - 03/07/2012
only in Texas
  lmccoyjr - 08/17/2011
I am in the Air Force and I have traveled and played golf all over the U.S., this is the best and toughest course I have played to date.
The course is beautiful to look at but, it can make your game look really ugly.
The staff is great!!!
I loved it and WILL go back again.
  ahobrecht - 07/31/2011
The value was outstanding. Round of golf, cart w/gps, all the range balls you want to hit and lunch for $69.00+tax!
The course is in great condition even with the limited water the state of Texas is going through.
This is a great chance to play a top notch course with all the aminities.
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