Patuxent Greens Golf Club
14415 Greenview Dr
Laurel, MD 20708-3286, United States

Rates shown below are non-member rates with a cart; walking rate is $19 after 2:00 p.m. "Insider" and other discount rates are available.
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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$30 - $39
   Weekend:$40 - $49
General Manager:J.J. Barkett, PGA
Superintendent:John Geyer
Guest Policy:open
Pro Shop :yes
Driving Range:none
Short Game Practice:yes
Water Hazards:Heavy
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  Lou or LEW - 10/08/2014
Course was in pretty bad shape!
  DariusTDog - 07/27/2013
Got suckered into playing this course again this year with the "million dollar upgrade" comments on their website. The course was every bit as bad as last year. Fairways are spotty at best, greens are ok, but several were inundated with Cicada Killers. Only redeeming factors were that it is cheap and you can get a very early tee time during the week.
  Prelude1 - 10/05/2012
There were four holes that were barely playable. All of the tee boxes were bad. There were frequent back ups.
  navycj - 03/19/2012
four holes where not playable maybe this summer it might be in better condition. as of now i would not play this course again
  bo2241 - 09/07/2011
bad shape lots of crab grass on the greens and tee boxs
  GolfonGrass - 07/09/2011
Great Course to walk, nice and flat. lots of water to avoid and soft bunkers. 20$ in the afternoon to walk hard to beat for the value of course. i have paid much more for less, and there is a warm up green and a crappy driving range but there is a driving range
  taylormade8891 - 07/27/2014
  TomWayne - 05/20/2014
  steelbill81 - 11/10/2013
  bbailey204 - 09/27/2013
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