RedGate Golf Course
14500 Avery Rd
Rockville, MD 20853-3602, United States

Architect Therman Donovan designed this parkland course, which opened in 1974 in Montgomery County, just outside the District. RedGate features a variety of elevation changes and wildlife, while water is in play on nine holes.

This course is owned by the City of Rockville and operated by Billy Casper's golf course management firm. The standard walking rates are $42 weekdays and $52 weekends; with a cart, those rates are $54 weekdays and $64 weekends. Rockville residents, advantage card-holders, and seniors enjoy various discounts. Twilight rates and season passes are also available.
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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$50 - $59
   Weekend:$60 - $74
   9-hole fees available anytime.
General Manager:Brian Simpson
Superintendent:Ray Evans, GCSAA
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Season Start:March
Season End:November
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Blue
Driving Range:yes
Short Game Practice:yes with sand bunker
Water Hazards:Moderate
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

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Include 9-hole scores Best score per golfer
Fwy %
(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  Prelude1 - 07/07/2014
I was not expecting the course to be great due to some reviews that I had seen online. The reviews were wrong and I was very happy with the course and staff.
  eabaskervill - 10/27/2013
Challenging course with some memorable holes. It is well maintained with good scenery and lots of wildlife. One of the better priced courses in the area, but can be slow.
  jwalker2 - 09/24/2013
I have to say the course is looking great and improvements are abound. Where once carts were not permitted now you can play the 16 hole 5th without that being an issue. The staff is pleasant and hospitable. I'm considering joining...Sept. 2013
  dsc123 - 06/11/2012
The course is under new management (Billy Casper Golf) and it shows. The course is in great shape, particularly the greens, which are noticeably faster than before.
  OrioleTerp - 08/03/2011
This used to be one of the nicer courses in the area. They still try to maintain what they have, but it is clear that business is not great. Fairways had several different types of grass and were rock hard (good for long drives though) and greens were spotty either from disease or burnout. They improved two holes (9 and 11), but it has gone down hill overall.
  pete1945 - 06/14/2011
I paid $20.00 useing the tee time book.
  kickntrue - 08/16/2006
I was very mad last time i played redgate. it is probably more of a 3 to 3 1/2 star course, but their hospitality just pissed me off.

they kicked me off the course with 20-30 minutes of daylight left. the guy told me he wanted to go home and had to lock up. it was so terrible. i only got 7 holes in for 20 bucks.
  markh412 - 10/04/2014
  Mattel - 03/02/2014
  Super Bass - 03/11/2013
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